Become a TBK Sponsor!

We are looking for businesses and individuals who want to be involved and support Team Breckenridge and promote snow sports. Sponsors help us achieve our mission to provide youth athletes with the positive environment and balanced guidance that fosters self-confidence, embraces goals, and nurtures a lifelong love for the mountains and snow sports. Currently program fees paid by participants only cover 60% of our expenditures. The remainder of our budget depends entirely upon fund raising and donations from local businesses. The generosity of our sponsors keeps program fees at accessible levels for all athletes in our community.

Click Here to View the Sponsorship Packet

Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities

Conditioning Starts this Week- All Full-time athletes start on Tuesday, September 7th.

Alpine Age Class and Ability Weekend, Big Mountain Specialists, Freeride Competition and Alpine Devo Competition starts Saturday, September 11th.

Saturday, September 25th- TBK will have a booth at the Breckenridge Grand Vacations RAM Walk

Saturday, November 6th- Get Stoked Winter Film Premier

Saturday, November 13th- Season Kick Off Party