
Weekly Activities

Starting Saturday, June 19th Team Breckenridge will host activities on Saturdays throughout the summer. Hiking, biking, paid activities and more.

Open to all current Team Breckenridge members. Registration will be required for all activities.

Email heidi@teambrecksportsclub.com for more information about the activities and to receive weekly updates.

4th of July

Team Breckenridge will have a float in the 4th of July parade in Breckenridge this year.

Click here to sign up to decorate the float and/or walk in the parade.

Team Breckenridge has an online store!

Click Here to Shop

We are excited to announce that Team Breckenridge has a new online store

If you would like to sell your used gear please email admin@teambrecksportsclub.com with a full description and pictures of the items.

Team Breckenridge will keep 30% for a selling fee.